Green Archers return from Chicago

Photo courtesy of david64 (

The Green Archers returned from their 2-week training in Chicago early this week. They will resume their preseason campaign this Friday as they go up against the UPHDS Altas. They will face San Beda and Arellano in their succeeding matches in the eliminations. We hope that this experience will make them become a more competitive team in this year’s college wars.

From david64 of last May14:

We played our second game here last Wednesday, against basically the same team, with a couple of additions, both big men. We took the first half, 46 to 34, but were not able to maintain our lead. They took over in the second half and beat us by 8, 91-83.

The fifth quarter was another interesting match, with Norbert doing well against their big men. Score at the end was 113-106.

Vosotros paced our scoring with 19, Webb had 17, Andrada had 12 and Ferdie had 11 markers. Everyone scored except one player, whose name will not be revealed, hehe. Marata did not play, and Gab had a bad fall, while Luigi sprained an ankle.

Overall, Coach Dindo was pleased with our play, except for a few minor lapses. The boys have adapted to the cold spell we had, with temperatures in the high 30s in the AM and low 50s even at midday. The cold temp started last Saturday and lasted all the way to Wednesday. Its very pleasant now, with temperature hovering in the 60s and low 70s. The team leaves in two days, grateful for the experience and knowledge gained from the time spent here. Tim Grover was with us all the way this time, as Kobe did not need him. He was hands-on with the team and the trainers, and spent time last night with the coaches, too.

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